Castel de Oro & Karlsten Family Tree

Dundee, Angus, Scotland


Latitude: 56.499996, Longitude: -2.966667


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Currie, Helen  1782Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291686841
2 Kermath, John  20 Aug 1908Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291696988
3 Kermath, John Dall  1854Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291696975
4 Kermath, Margaret Cameron  17 June 1881Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291696978
5 Kermath, Peter  22 Oct 1883Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291696779
6 McIntosh, Mary  28 July 1860Dundee, Angus, Scotland I402391227192
7 Scott, Andr  1823Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291686845
8 Scott, Ann  1820Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291686844
9 Scott, John  1812Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291686843


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Carmichael, Mary Jack  17 Dec 1968Dundee, Angus, Scotland I402391227197
2 Kermath, John Dall  28 Apr 1919Dundee, Angus, Scotland I34291696975
3 McIntosh, Mary  4 Jul 1942Dundee, Angus, Scotland I402391227192


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Kermath / Clark  March 27, 1907Dundee, Angus, Scotland F2662
2 Kermath / Robertson  August 11, 1876Dundee, Angus, Scotland F3621