Castel de Oro & Karlsten Family Tree




Matches 1 to 50 of 68

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Abercrombie, James  1729Scotland I34211221371
2 Anderson, John  1821Scotland I400062806281
3 Auchmuty, Arthur  1600Scotland I34255858931
4 Bankier, Robert  Aft. 1834Scotland I34298213644
5 Bannerman, Janet  1621Scotland I400049001530
6 Birrell, Margaret Imrie Watson  Abt. 1880Scotland I34330216471
7 Brown, Ann  Abt. 1755Scotland I400088309533
8 Campbell, John  Abt. 1800Scotland I34329064819
9 Christie, John  10 Mar 1847Scotland I402391022612
10 Clark, James Fleming  Abt. 1898Scotland I34291701836
11 Corbett, Lillias Williamson  25 Apr 1833Scotland I402095847403
12 Cunningham, Thomas Syme  15 Mar 1842Scotland I400064816677
13 Drummond, Ann  Abt. 1840Scotland I34330244908
14 Dunbar, Mary  1373Scotland I34212997201
15 Dysart, Anna  1 Aug 1909Scotland I402200434692
16 Findlay, William  Abt. 1763Scotland I400088308771
17 Finlay, Janet  Abt. 1705Scotland I34337362582
18 Fisher, Thomas  Abt. 1798Scotland I34325678583
19 Ford, Susan Dewar Terras  21 Jul 1920Scotland I402269522571
20 Fraser, Elizabeth F  10 Apr 1876Scotland I34368016422
21 Gardiner, Margaret  1666Scotland I34534967566
22 Gibson, John  25 Dec 1856Scotland I400050895756
23 Gillies, Christina Wallace  Abt. 1880Scotland I34288994894
24 Gray, John  Abt. 1850Scotland I34298210377
25 Gregory, Rev John "Gregorie"  1682Scotland I400049002363
26 Hamilton, John Sir  1561Scotland I34330662083
27 Hamilton, Margaret  1520Scotland I34212996547
28 Hannah, Agnes  Abt. 1763Scotland I400088308772
29 Hawkins  1355Scotland I34212997307
30 Heatherington, Elisabeth  Abt. 1840Scotland I34291785298
31 Holm, Angus  1805Scotland I34368019636
32 Holm, Isabella  1808Scotland I34368019635
33 Hunter, James  14 Nov 1842Scotland I400186845253
34 Jamieson, William Baden  Abt. 1901Scotland I34332033528
35 Kermath, Alexanderin  Abt. 1908Scotland I34291696989
36 Kneeland, William  1405Scotland I34212997135
37 Kneland, John  1341Scotland I34212997306
38 Kneland, Lady  1200Scotland I34212997728
39 Knox, Andrew Todd  1902Scotland I34208729074
40 Laing, Thomas  1620Scotland I400049004230
41 MacDonald, Jeanie R  Abt. 1900Scotland I34289713249
42 Martin, Bill  Abt. 1906Scotland I34325639649
43 Martin, David  Abt. 1900Scotland I34325639647
44 Martin, Jimmy  Abt. 1901Scotland I34325639646
45 McFarlane, Margaret  Abt. 1883Scotland I34332030346
46 McGregor, Peter  Abt. 1840Scotland I34330244907
47 McGregor, Peter  1862Scotland I34330244673
48 McLaren, James  Abt. 1911Scotland I400011645418
49 McLaren, William  11 Dec 1914Scotland I400011645449
50 Monteith, Ann  18 Jul 1854Scotland I402391022613

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Matches 1 to 48 of 48

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Abercrombie, James  Scotland I34208728670
2 Abercrombie, William  Bef. 1841Scotland I34208728639
3 Abercrombie, William George  16 Aug 1962Scotland I34210790716
4 Anderson, John  08 Jun 1884Scotland I400062806281
5 Anderson, William  Aft. 1865Scotland I402191307980
6 Brash, James  1806Scotland I34263504585
7 Brash, Robert Wilson  Scotland I34534967449
8 Campbell, Jean Lady Hamilton  1670Scotland I34330662084
9 Carmichael, Florence Kynoch  4 Jul 1942Scotland I402391227194
10 Clark, Alexander  1891Scotland I34290719803
11 Clark, John  Aft. 1890Scotland I34330407630
12 Cleland, Elizabeth  Scotland I34329627129
13 Cleland, Jean  Scotland I34329627388
14 Cleland, Margaret  Scotland I34211222450
15 Craig, Margaret  Scotland I34534967447
16 Curran, Peter  Abt. 1918Scotland I34426320990
17 Dewallense, Eimerus  1181Scotland I34212999566
18 Dewallense, Galeius  Scotland I34534967832
19 Dunbar, Mary  1423Scotland I34212997201
20 Falconer, Hannah  1775Scotland I34265150095
21 Findlay, Janet  Scotland I34208728571
22 Findlay, Janet  Scotland I34255858488
23 Folger, Mary  1428Scotland I34212997136
24 Frew, James  Scotland I34265150295
25 Frew, Robert  21 Dec 1831Scotland I34265150293
26 Goodwin, Archibald  1885Scotland I34332033277
27 Hamilton, Margaret  1580Scotland I34212996547
28 Hamilton, Mary  1657Scotland I34212993731
29 Kneeland, Charles William  1487Scotland I34212997069
30 Kneeland, John (I)  1300Scotland I34212997499
31 Kneeland, William  1467Scotland I34212997135
32 Kneland, John  1410Scotland I34212997306
33 Knox, Andrew Todd  1981Scotland I34208729074
34 Martin, Alexander Breton  Abt. 1987Scotland I34329353066
35 Nasmith, Mary  Scotland I34330533307
36 Patrick, Agnes  Scotland I34255858146
37 Patrick, Agnes  Scotland I34329627117
38 Patrick, Alexander  Scotland I34337362581
39 Ross, Charles  Scotland I34255858486
40 Semple, Margaret  Scotland I34211222068
41 Somerville, Jean  1495Scotland I34212997070
42 Somerwell, Alexander  Scotland I400003162640
43 Sommerwell, Margaret  Scotland I34330533430
44 Thom, William Dunbar  Bef. 1910Scotland I34332028633
45 Wallace, Margaret  1248Scotland I34212997666
46 Whyte, Alexander  1950Scotland I34288994842
47 Whyte, James  Bef. 1919Scotland I34310968919
48 Young, Janet  1734Scotland I402052520768


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Bankier / Brown  Abt. 1775Scotland F3396
2 Cleland / Hamilton  1620Scotland F1988
3 Cleland / Stewart  1564Scotland F2649
4 Findlay / Hannah  Abt. 1783Scotland F3507
5 Kneeland / Dunbar  1404Scotland F1949
6 Kneeland / Somerville  1462Scotland F1149
7 Kneeland / Wallace  1269Scotland F1888
8 Laing / Chapman  1678Scotland F2928
9 Morrison / Napier  Abt. 1740Scotland F524
10 Motherwell / McIntosh  Abt. 1800Scotland F2467
11 Motherwell / McLaughlan  Abt. 1842Scotland F3597
12 Ross / Patrick  22 Nov 1790Scotland F1212
13 Stewart / Heatherington  Abt. 1860Scotland F2338